EasyLOCK Tibia Nail


  • It has a 12° proximal angle.
  • Provides higher biomechanical strength with nails and locking screws made of biocompatible titanium (Ti6Al4V).
  • Thanks to the locking screw positions close to the distal end, it allows the fixation of the most distal tibial fractures.
  • Multi-directional proximal and distal locking design provides high stability.
  • It has a compression end cup.
Proximal part with 12° angle and multi-plan locking option

EasyLOCK system facilitating distal locking

Compression up to 4 mm


  • In fractures occurring from 4,5 cm distal to the proximal articular surface of the tibia.
  • In all tibial fractures up to 2,5 cm proximal to the distal articular surface.
  • In cases of malunion or nonunion.
  • In shortening osteotomies.
  • In tumor resections.
  • In cases of prophylactic nailing of pathological fractures can be used.


  • Proximal Diameter: 10 mm | 11 mm | 12 mm
  • Body diameter options for Ø 10 mm proximal diameter: 8 mm | 9 mm | 10 mm
  • Body diameter options for Ø 11 mm proximal diameter: 11 mm
  • Body diameter options for Ø 12 mm proximal diameter: 12 mm
  • Length options: 280 mm | 300 mm | 320 mm | 340 mm | 360 mm | 380 mm | 400 mm | 420 mm | 440 mm